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English-Russian dictionary of culinary. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of culinary. 2014.
Kidneys — Kidney Kid ney (k[i^]d n[y^]), n.; pl. {Kidneys} (k[i^]d n[i^]z). [OE. kidnei, kidnere, from Icel. koi[eth]r belly, womb (akin to Goth. gipus, AS. cwi[thorn] womb) + OE. nere kidney; akin to D. nier, G. niere, OHG. nioro, Icel. n[=y]ra, Dan. nyre … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
kidneys — Pu upa a, kōnāhua. ♦ Diseases of kidneys, ma i pu upa a kīkala hāne ene e, alaneo, waiiki … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Kidneys, ureters, and bladder — In medicine, KUB refers to a diagnostic medical imaging technique and stands for kidneys, ureters, and bladder.A KUB is a plain frontal supine radiograph of the abdomen. It is often supplemented by an upright PA view of the chest (to rule out air … Wikipedia
kidneys — The best portion of an animal sacrifice (Exod. 29:13). They were thought to be the seat of human emotions, as in Jer. 11:20 where modern translations prefer the metaphorical use of ‘heart’ (‘reins’ in AV) … Dictionary of the Bible
kidneys — kid·ney || kɪdnɪ n. one of a pair of organs that filters metabolic wastes from the blood; temperament; kind, sort, class … English contemporary dictionary
KIDNEYS — … Useful english dictionary
Skirts and kidneys — is an Irish stew made from pork and pork kidneys. History Cork, on the southern coast of Ireland, has a long standing association with animal produce and, from the 17th C to the end of the 19th C, was a major supplier of butter and salted… … Wikipedia
Devilled kidneys — is a Victorian British breakfast dish consisting of lamb s kidneys cooked in a mixture of Worcestershire sauce, mushroom ketchup, English mustard powder, butter, cayenne pepper, salt, and b … Wikipedia
polycystic disease of the kidneys — an inherited disorder, transmitted as an autosomal dominant (the gene responsible is located on chromosome no. 16), in which the substance of both kidneys is largely replaced by numerous cysts. Symptoms including haematuria, urinary tract… … Medical dictionary
polycystic disease of the kidneys — an inherited disorder, transmitted as an autosomal dominant (the gene responsible is located on chromosome no. 16), in which the substance of both kidneys is largely replaced by numerous cysts. Symptoms – including haematuria, urinary tract… … The new mediacal dictionary
Болезнь Почек Поликистозная (Polycystic Disease Of The Kidneys) — наследственное заболевание, передающееся как аутосомный доминантный признак, при котором ткань обеих почек в значительной мере заменяется множественными кистами. Симптомами заболевания являются гематурия, инфекции мочевыводящих путей и… … Медицинские термины